Night Park Lane
Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
    Ethereal Gold

       Princess Vulnavia presents …      

     Ethereal Gold


    La Copa “El Dorado” de Vulnavia


Description by Anthony van Bick.  Under the shining sun and clear blue sky of Seville, whilst wandering around the Science Pavilion at Expo’ 92, I devised the idea of an international maths cup. As 1992 was the 500 th  anniversary of Columbus’ voyage of discovery it seemed the ideal time to start. After the process of securing employment and with the trophy packed into a suitcase I headed off to South America to lay the foundations for the competition. The first award was made to a student from Cali, Colombia, in 1994. The cup has been awarded on an annual basis since that year.                   The Revelation 2016           Winds of Entropy No matter where I have taught there have always been young students eager to get away. It shows the power of persuasion that merely the reputation of academic institutions is enough to drag people away from beautiful surroundings. It is a classic example of action at a distance. It occurred to me that a similar process was at work in Spain in 1492 when Columbus began his expedition to find gold and riches for the state. In that same year the dying embers of the Moors’ power base were extinguished at La Alhambra. So the reality was that the monarchs preferred to speculate funds on a flight of fancy rather than investing to secure the benefits which result from good community relations. To be fair, there was so much infighting going on towards the end of the Moors’ reign that the situation hardly gave the impression of an attractive investment opportunity. t is intriguing to note that In all the years of the Moors’ operations at La Alhambra there were two main instigators of its glorious architecture during the golden era 1333-1391. Namely, Yusuf I and Muhammed V. Four other sultans took the title Yusuf within the following 100 years but they only amassed a total of twelve years in charge between them such was the instability. This brings us to Yusuf VI. The sultan who would have reigned had the Moors’ rule continued. But once imagined he exists. That is when it struck me; Yusuf VI of Ethereal Al-Andalus is the golden man. He is Al Maisan (“The Shining One”). Immediately from here came the notion that, rather than being shackled by bricks and mortar, the canvas could be used to develop the artistic nature of the Moors. So the art genre entitled “The Renaissance Moors” was born. My artwork “Winds of Entropy” shows the changing face of Spain through centuries yet to come. The distortion effect is used to give the impression of iconic windmills such as those at Consuegra being swept away through time. Since Yusuf is a title then anyone can assume the role. As in the words of Krishnamurti and Bohm; ‘”out of the ashes, something totally new is born”. So the opportunity is there for anyone to use their talent and enthusiasm to encourage and inspire people. Be the Shining One. To register to enter for La Copa “El Dorado” contact: Click on the following link for information about the art genre “The Renaissance Moors”;                   The Renaissance Moors An impression of the star “Al Maisan” (also known as Alhena) shining over the park in Portchester is shown on the Home Page.         Al Maisan

   The Degree Network Cup

  For mathematics and physics. During my study towards a P.G.C.E, in mathematics at King’s College, London in 1990 I developed the idea of The Degree Network. This is essentially a computerised syllabus which guides students to relevant sources of information as well as providing extra support through short courses and worksheets. The research sources include key textbooks, explanations from websites and videos. In short, although the internet provides an ocean of support material, finding reputable websites can be a problem. So the Degree Network helps students to cut to the chase. The Degree Network Cup, which is awarded on an annual basis, is a reward for outstanding progress in the fields of mathematics and physics. It is currently allocated to be awarded for work in the topic of contour integration. Click on the following link to see the relevant material.        Contour Integration For further information regarding The Degree Network, click the following link:            The Degree Network

           The Quarks Cup

           For particle physics. In my first year of teaching I studied towards a Master of Science in Nuclear and Particle Physics and worked on developing resources which would introduce school pupils to the abstract world of particle physics. The original Quarks Cup course has been updated and the topic of electron configuration is included. This course is designed for A-level physics students. To view the current course, click the following link:       The Quarks Cup To register for entry, contact:         Under development ….                La Copa de Ray                  For astronomy. The latest addition to the cup competitions is in the field of astronomy. Having been left as the custodian of my father’s collection of astronomy books it seemed a good idea, to me, to use these books to launch a new competition in his memory. The main cup competition for football in Spain is La Copa de Rey (The King’s Cup) and a play on this using my father’s name Raymond is: La Copa de Ray. He really did enjoy his trips around Andalucia, especially to Zahara, so I think he would appreciate the Spanish connection. Furthermore, he always spoke highly of his Spanish work colleagues at Matra Marconi Space. Topics to be considered are: Where are remnants of the parents of the Sun? The moons of the solar system. Planet formation. The Earth’s moon is not large enough to support an atmosphere. So how large does an object have to be to sustain an atmosphere? What other factors are involved? For further information, contact: