Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
The Ethereal Princess Vulnavia
Introduced by Anthony van Bick. On one such occasion at university, as I mused over this, I wondered who the ideal teacher would be to help solve all the problems. Imagine a beautiful, Egyptian princess who knows the answers to everything and not only can she provide clear and precise explanations she can deliver them with style and panache. I remembered the teachings of Krishnamurti and Bohm expressed in their book “The Ending of Time” which basically dictate that once something is imagined it exists. So Vulnavia exists and mathematics is great!One way in which the ethereal princess can influence the studyof mathematics is via a crusade for mathematics.This crusade is not about converting the masses but about supporting students on their adventures into the world of mathematics. Crusade for MathsThree cup competitions are currently available within this initiative.1. La Copa “El Dorado” de Vulnavia.2. The Degree Network Cup3. The Quarks CupA fourth competition is under development:4. La Copa de RayTo find out about these competitions click the following link.The Cups of Vulnavia
It can be a somewhat lonely life studying mathematics and what is worse is that as you go further you run out of teachers who can help.