Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
Night Park Lane
Connoisseurs’ Collection
Connoisseurs’ Collection 2021
Over the years the use of the word amateur has veered away from non-professional to unprofessional and sloppy. In terms of astronomy societies, the latter use is a derisory description of enthusiasts who have spent years working tirelessly on the subject that they adore. Consequently, it is time to replace the description “amateur” by “connoisseur”. The Connoisseurs’ Collection began as a list of 50 exotic stars entitled “50 Geminorum et al” which was produced for members of the South Downs Astronomical Society for its 50 th  Anniversary in 2021. These stars did not fit into the Database of 2021 Prominent Stars (Northern Skies Version). Most of the stars on the list have a magnitude of around 6.2 so this is a gentle introduction for stargazing connoisseurs! To view the Connoisseurs’ Collection “50 Geminorum et al”, click on the main picture or the following icon. When examining a 2020 updated version of Stellarium it was interesting to note that several faint stars with proper names had been added. Fifty of these have now been used to produce an alternative list for northern stars. This is the “Faint Stars with Proper Names Version” of the Connoisseurs’ Collection for 2021. (Some surplus stars are included in the file which are visible in southern skies.) To view the Connoisseurs’ Collection “Faint Stars with Proper Names Version ”, click on the following icon. A challenge, which would form the basis for a future list for the Connoisseurs’ Collection,  would be to observe astronomical objects, with declination around - 38 degrees or so, which just pop over the horizon at various times throughout the year. One such star is Menkent which on Sunday May 30th 2021 just rises then rolls along the horizon. Clear weather permitting it can be viewed due South at 10.30 pm. This signals the forthcoming Christmas Australis! Here are some other candidates. Stars beta Scl  (HD221507) Aldhanab Grus beta CrA (HD 178345) Meridiana Corona Australis lambda CrA (HD 172777) Lesath  Scorpius Shaula  Scorpius Mula       Scorpius Xamidimura  Scorpius Pipirima   Scorpius pi Pup (HD 56855) Wazn Columba beta Cae (HD 29992) eta Lup (HD 143118) iota Cen (HD 115892)  Deep-sky objects iota’s Ghost (galaxy)      NGC 5102 Centaurus Southern Pinwheel Galaxy  NGC 300 Sculptor String of Pearls Galaxy     NGC 55 Sculptor Moth Wing Cluster Scorpius Heart and Dagger Cluster   NGC 2546 Puppis Electric Guitar Cluster         NGC 2477 Puppis Stinging Scorpion Cluster   NGC 2451 Puppis Great Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1365 Fornax Fornax A                                NGC 1316 Cartwheel Galaxy (faint) ESO  350-40 Sculptor ( Included in the Catalogue     of 50 Beautiful Galaxies.  ) Galaxy in Vela ! NGC 2845 Vela Planetary Nebula in Pyxis NGC 2818
50 Geminorum et al
Faint Stars with Proper Star Names
               Borderline Objects