Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
Night Park Lane
NGC Database
   New General Catalogue Database           Having produced scripts for several short talks on observing deep-sky objects it became increasingly              frustrating when having noted key objects in a given constellation I kept noticing more interesting ones              after the talk!   There was only one thing for it; to take the bull by the horns and produce an NGC Database which   would display all the NGC objects in any selected constellation at the push of a button.   The NGC objects included in Stellarium go up to NGC 7840 however many of the NGC objects up to   this one are missing. Of the ones that are given, some are listed as different objects in other reference   sources, some are duplicates and even the actual existence is disputed in some cases. That is the   trouble when “New” is included in a title; it does not stay new for very long.   It turns out that 7216 NGC objects are listed on Stellarium. That is to say, 624 NGC objects are not   included in Stellarium. The following file highlights some of the duplicates but to go through all the   missing NGC objects explaining their absence would be a project in itself.   Click the icon to view the file.   NGC Duplicates               NGC Object Type   The following file shows the number of NGC objects of a particular type which are included in Stellarium.   Click the icon to view the file. NGC Object Type                         Distribution of the NGC Objects         Across the Constellations   The following lists show the constellations which have the highest concentration of NGC objects.        Northern Skies    Southern Skies   1. Virgo 606 1. Dorado 290   2. Ursa Major 388 2. Centaurus 134   3. Cetus 372 3. Mensa   73   4. Leo 353 4. Tucana   62   5. Pegasus 295   6. Eridanus (Borealis) 280   7. Coma Berenices 275   8. Draco 266   9. Pisces 261 10. Bootes 248 11. Hydra 206  12. Canes Venatici 205 13. Hercules 197 14. Andromeda 148 15.   Aquarius 125 16. Cancer 112   For a full list of constellations and the number of NGC objects of a particular type within each constellation,   see the file  “NGC Objects in Constellations”.   Click on the icon to view the file.         NGC Objects  in Constellations                    Constellation Maps   The following files show the number of NGC objects in each constellation on maps of the constellations.   Click on relevant icon to view the required file.              Northern Skies      Southern Skies         Summary  
   Markarian’s Chain