Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
Night Park Lane
The Quarks Cup

      The Quarks Cup

This trophy is awarded to students who show exceptional promise in this bizarre yet beautiful branch of nature. The course is geared for A-level students who are looking to progress to higher education. The project introduces students to the type of experiments performed at scientific research establishments such as CERN on the France-Switzerland border. The main objective of this project is to convey an understanding of the basic building blocks from which all elements can be made. There are eight lectures covering various aspects of the topic of quarks.    Preliminary tutorial:  Electron configuration (Lecture 0)    To view the tutorial resources click on the following links:    Electron Configuration Tutorial Electron Configuration Chart Madelung Rule Violations (Summary) Periodic Table Lecture 1 Baryons, Mesons and Leptons            Click on the link to view the lecture notes.            Lecture 1  Click on this link for the two exercises: Lecture 1 exercises. Lecture 2 The Strong Interaction Lecture 3 Hadrons and Strangeness Lecture 4 Isotopic Spin Lecture 5 Baryon Octets and Meson Nonets Lecture 6 Quarks Lecture 7 Quantum Colour Register for The Quarks Cup to view the other tutorials. Contact: