Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.


                         Sapphire Entropy 

        (Devised by Anthony van Bick)

An organisation associated with the Labour Party has commandeered the concept of momentum so what concept could be harnessed by the Conservative Party to herald a new dawn for Britain? The word conservative hardly suggests a vehicle for change so the challenge was to devise an entity which would represent a dynamic and progressive approach. Now, one of the great misnomers in physics is that increasing entropy produces chaos. However, an increase of entropy actually indicates an increase in the number of microstates that a system can have. Applying this notion to an economy symbolises the intention to increase the opportunities open to individuals in the workforce. Individuals in such a workforce would be highly educated, versatile and highly motivated. As a result the opportunity for social mobility would be greatly enhanced. In order to tie the concept to the values of the Conservative Party simply requires a link to the adjective “blue” in that blue traditionally signifies trust, confidence and intelligence. Using “sapphire” in place of blue brings a touch of style to the proceedings. Anyone who is interested in shaping the philosophy and development of Sapphire Entropy should contact:
Sapphire Entropy
Night Park Lane