Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
Night Park Lane
Contour Integration
This third-year degree level course covers a vital topic of undergraduate mathematics. Click on the following link to see full details of the course contents,          Contour Integration Course Contents The main lectures are listed below. Lecture 1 Functions of a Complex Variable Lecture 2 Analytical Functions Lecture 3 Contour Integrals Lecture 4 Laurent Series Lecture 5 The Residue Theorem Lecture 6 Methods of Finding Residues Lecture 7 Evaluation of Definite Integrals using the Residue Theorem Lecture 7a The Argument Principle Lecture 7b Residues at Infinity Applications of Contour Integration 1. Application of Contour Integration to Quantum Scattering 2. The Debye Model 3. Solving Inverse Laplace Transforms using the Bromwich Contour 4. Summation of Series Click on the following link to see the worksheet for The Degree Network Cup.            Degree Network Cup Worksheet To obtain the actual resources please register at the following E-mail address: