Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.

       Keine Wolken 

         (No clouds)

Keine Wolken is hereby defined as a state of EUphoria beyond Cloud 9. It is certainly a welcome situation for stargazers. In particular it is a state of mind which encompasses the positive aspects of the European Union. During the Franco era, when Spain was isolated from the world, it would not have been that easy for foreign nationals to travel around the country at their leisure. Yet, at present, it is possible for British citizens to explore the beautiful and dramatic countryside unhindered. I will always remember the cycle ride I made on my birthday in 2008 from Alpedrete to Avila and back. What a great day! So this ride starts my memoirs of Spanish cycle rides. Alpedrete to Avila
Keine Wolken
Night Park Lane