Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
Night Park Lane
Expeditions around Madrid

     Expeditions around Madrid        

           and beyond

Bernuy-Salinero    “Ride into the wilderness called Spain.” Scenes from rides around the countryside surrounding Madrid have been blended into the courses to illuminate the work. Start from Fuenlabrada in Madrid and head out towards the windmills of Consuegra. The first part of the journey (The Road to Mora) represents covering topics which prepare Extended level GCSE students for A-level Mathematics courses.       The Road to Mora                 Yepes Next, the road to Consuegra (from Mora) represents coverage of first year A-level Mathematics topics.          The Road to Consuegra                                   View towards Consuegra from Los Yebenes            The San Lorenzo Loop This ride represents covering the topics required in the first year of a standard degree course in physics/mathematics. These topics are contained in levels 1 to 3 of the Degree Network.  
    Ride over the reservoir of Valmayor past Los Arroyos and on to Galapagar.     Alpedrete to Guadalajara This ride represents covering the topics required in the second year of a standard degree course in physics/mathematics. These topics are contained in levels 4 to 6 of the Degree Network.        Up on a hilltop overlooking Alpedrete. What a great place for stargazing!         Guadalajara to Bilbilis This ride represents covering the topics required in the third year of a standard degree course in physics/mathematics. These topics are contained in levels 7 to 9 of the Degree Network.    The remarkable mounds which are features of the landscape on this ride provide interesting surfaces     to consider for the Contour Integration course.           Hita       For information about this course, click on the following link:    Contour Integration  Enjoy the rides!          Guadalajara                    All photographs by Anthony van Bick.