Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
Night Park Lane
Nebulae Database
              Nebulae Database                 The Nebulae Database contains information on nebulae listed in Stellarium. The featured nebulae come from a variety of catalogues, the main ones are listed below: Catalogue             Number of Nebulae Listed Lynds’ Dark Nebulae          1785 Lynds’ Bright Nebulae          1122 Dickel, Wendker & Bieritz (DWB) 191 Barnard 169 Rodgers, Campbell & Whiteoak (RCW) 119 Cederblad   119 Van den Bergh & Herbst 129 Van den Bergh       108 For full details see the following file: Review 2021. Click on the icon to view the file.            Review 2021                    Nebulae Type The following files show the number of each type of object listed from each catalogue. Click on the associated icon to view the required file.      LBN Catalogue    LDN Catalogue    vdB Catalogue           vdBH Catalogue   Barnard Catalogue   RCW Catalogue          Sharpless Catalogue               Cederblad Catalogue       DWB Catalogue                  Remaining Catalogues      Nebulae with Proper Names The following file shows nebulae with proper names which are listed in Stellarium. The nebulae are ordered by constellation and then by object type. Click on the icon to view the file.        Nebulae with proper names           Distribution of Nebulae         Across the Constellations The following lists show the constellations which have the highest concentration of nebulae (of those listed in Stellarium).        Northern Skies    Southern Skies   1. Cygnus 745 1. Vela 61   2. Cepheus 315 2. Carina 43   3. Ophiuchus 303 3. Centaurus 36   4. Sagittarius 281   5. Cassiopeia 232   6. Orion 188   7. Aquila 183   8. Scorpius 166   9. Scutum 136 10. Serpens (Cauda) 134 11. Taurus 133 12. Monoceros 119 It is worth pointing out that there are 33 constellations which have no nebulae listed in Stellarium of which 17 are classified as southern. Furthermore, of the 3900 nebulae included in the Nebulae Database only 242 of these are in the southern constellations. For a full list of constellations and the number of nebulae in each constellation, see the file “Constellations”. Click on the icon to view the file.          Nebulae in Constellations              Constellation Maps   The following files show the number of nebulae, listed in Stellarium,  which are in each constellation on maps of the constellations.   Click on the relevant icon to view the required file.                               Northern Skies                                          Southern Skies            Classification of Nebulae   H II Regions These are classified using a system of three numbers (a, b, c) where a, b and c can take the values 1, 2 or 3. The following file shows the number of H II regions of a particular type. Click on the icon to view the file.                   Classification of H II Regions Reflection The following file shows the number of reflection nebulae  Nebulae of a particular type. Click on the icon to view the file.                    Research Exercise Investigate the classification systems used to describe HII regions and reflection nebulae. For example, find out which features of H II regions are described by the number system (a, b, c) where a, b and c can take the values 1, 2 or 3.
                eta Carina Nebulae