Night Park Lane, The Ethereal Academy of Mathematics, Art and Astronomy.
Night Park Lane
Christmas Australis 2022
The object is to produce a comprehensive platform for interested members of the public to embark upon studies in the field of astronomy. To do this, 12 projects are being developed to fit in with the Advent Calendar of Christmas Australis 2022.
0. Constellations Map      Show the constellation boundaries.      Introduce three variations.      Equatorial Grid / Azimuthal Grid / Angles. 1. Catalogue of 2022 Stars          2022 Northern Stars Database. 2022 Southern Stars Database. 2. Connoisseurs’ Collection Borderline Stars. Catalogue of 50 Beautiful Galaxies. 3. Stellar Evolution Starstorm      (Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram)   Schwarzschild Radius. Supernova Remnants Database. 4. Planetary Nebula Database 5.    Star Clusters Database        Open Star Cluster Database.        Globular Star Cluster Database.        Clusters embedded in nebulosity. 6. Deep-Sky Astro Talk Researcher      NGC Database.      Deep-sky objects list.      Messier Catalogue.      Caldwell Catalogue. 7. Nebulae Database      Lynds’ Catalogue of Dark Nebulae   (LDN Catalogue).          Lynds’ Catalogue of Bright Nebulae   (LBN Catalogue).          Van den Bergh Catalogue   (VdB Catalogue). 8.   10,000 Galaxies Database      Active galaxies. Interacting galaxies   (V-V objects).          Peculiar galaxies  (Arp objects). Radio galaxies. 9.    Galaxy Clusters Database      Superclusters. 10. Planets and Exoplanets Exoplanets Database Kepler Catalogue.        Moons in the Solar System. Catalogue of mountains. 11.   Satellites Database.         Research individual satellites. 12. Mathematics for Astronomy and Cosmology Schrodinger’s Quantum Mechanical Model of the Hydrogen Atom.        Maxwell’s Equations Dirac’s Equation and the Unveiling of Antimatter. Einstein’s Field Equations. Black Hole Entropy:   Bekenstein-Hawking formula.          Christmas Australis         25th June 2022 Key  Project under control           Project under development           Project to be developed               Click the Sun icon to download the condensed version               of the programme.
Christmas Australis 2022